
Our Head of Paid Search’s Q&A with IMRG

Our Head of Paid Search, Carl Hutchinson, recently joined a Q&A with IMRG to discuss where the opportunities are for online retailers. Let’s see what he said…

Where is the Growth in Google Ads?

Demand Gen is one of the key focus areas for growth. It helps us keep in contact with customers during their consideration phase, and we are seeing better results overall by leveraging cross-network inventory.

Carl explained that Google is moving aggressively into areas like YouTube and Demand Gen products. Google is aware that demand, as observed through tools like Google Trends, has been declining. They are now creating tools to help lift this graph again and help us maintain connections with customers. The rise in complex customer journeys, often with over 26 touchpoints, emphasises the need for integrated and holistic approaches in marketing.

Change the Mindset

The conversation needs to change to measure marketing performance holistically rather than campaign by campaign, channel by channel.

Carl emphasised that for years, marketing has been about line-by-line campaign performance. However, the mindset needs to shift towards a holistic view of marketing. It’s no longer about putting a specific amount in one campaign and expecting a certain return. The landscape is evolving, and marketers need to adapt by seeing the bigger picture and understanding how different channels work together to drive overall business performance.

Use 1st Party Data

To improve loyalty and retention, retailers need to be using their 1st party data to understand what part of the buying cycle their customer is on and sticking with them until they’re ready to buy.

Carl pointed out that many retailers are missing out on the potential of their own data. Loyalty and retention programmes are expensive but crucial. The key is integrating 1st party data effectively to track customer journeys and stay engaged with customers until they are ready to make a purchase. Without leveraging 1st party data, retailers may struggle to maintain customer engagement over the next few years.

Reduce Your Affiliate Partners

Having fewer partners, but the right partners, on your affiliate programme will give you more control and better opportunities.

Carl suggested that reducing the number of affiliate partners can provide more control and better manageability. He shared insights from his experience, noting that managing a vast number of publishers can be overwhelming and less effective. By having fewer, more strategic partners, retailers can ensure better collaboration, transparency, and test the incrementality of their affiliate programmes more effectively.

Final Thoughts for Success

Focus on long-term sales, focus on omnichannel.

Retailers need to consider long-term sales strategies and not just immediate cash flow. Omnichannel strategies are essential, especially for those balancing both online and in-store.

Watch the full Q&A session here

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